News — Real Soap
True Soap vs Cosmetic Soap (WHAT?!). Why ingredient claims matter.
Are Soaps Cosmetics Cosmetic Soap Cosmetic Soap Definition Is Soap A Cosmetic Real Soap True Soap True Soap Definition What is Cosmetic Soap What is Real Soap What is True Soap

While revamping my handmade soap labels, I realized that the ones I was making were different in more ways I expected than the ones I'm used to seeing in the grocery store so I looked up more about my all time favorite bathroom item. Here's the scrub down! There's a legal definition of soap (honestly, what isn't there a legal definition for) that recognizes the historical roots of soapmaking, starting as far back as the Sumerians (a quick Google check says that means as early as 5000 BCE - 1750 BCE ). There are several ways a soap can be categorized: true,...