All The Way Handmade: Chapter 3

Hello Everyone! After a hectic personal 2023, I am ready to get roaring again in 2024 in my 2022 style! A few key things have happened personally, and a few key things have happened globally, that really made me inclined to sit and write a proper blog post about the new intentions behind All The Way Handmade and all of the lovely soaps, body butters, and other self care items. These ideas have been slowly brewing, bubbling, in the back of my head for years now, and time and time again I am convinced that this is the direction I...
New scents released and more ahead!
I am so happy to finally come out and say a bit about what I've been secretly working on for months now. I have some exciting new products in the final stages of development, new oil infusions infusing (including a new batch for the Botanical Beauty Castille Facial Soap), and a whole load of very generously gifted fragrance oils donated to me by my candle making friend. Persephone's Return Artisan Body Butter - Brand new! (and currently in stock). It's the perfect celebration of sweet, fresh blooms. Nocturnal Artisan Body Butter is making a comeback as part of the year-round...
A Sad Day Indeed - 4000 Leagues Under the Sea Salt Specialty Soap Refunds
40000 Leagues 40000 Leagues Sea Salt Specialty Soap
The inevitable finally happened. One of my soaps didn't turn out as I was certain it would. And I sold it, a lot of it, at an event in March. My salt soaps have lots of water and extra oils in them to help offset any dryness associated with salt bars. For 40000 Leagues Salt Specialty Soap bar, the oils never solidified which resulted in an extra mushy, unusable soap. It's not harmful, but it's a failed batch. If you had purchased one of the 40000 Leagues Sea Salt Specialty Soaps in March in person, please contact me with which...
New Logo! Same Sienna.

Hi all! Time to reveal a long-time-coming idea that finally came to fruition this past week - a brand new logo! This new All The Way Handmade logo incorporates some elements of my most loved oils into the design - sweet almond, olive, rice bran, and avocado - all in their botanical form. It's beautiful, gentle, and simple, and get this, it's also handmade by a real person! Not me this time. My fellow creative spirited artist friend who goes by Foxtail Brush did an amazing job teasing out and translating my half brained thoughts into a true visual piece...
How To Help Small Businesses Without Buying Anything
How To Help A Small Business How to Help Small Businesses Without Buying Anything How to Support a Small Business Without Buying Anything Shop Small Small Business Help Support Small Business

How to Help Small Businesses Without Buying Anything: A Small Business Owner's Plea The past 12+ months have been completely ridiculous, unavoidable, strenuous, and many other fitting adjectives that shouldn't be able to describe such a short period of time, yet 2020 proved it possible. Millions of jobs lost, put on furlough, or precariously teetering somewhere between essential and non essential, and in thousands and thousands of worst cases, businesses closing. Small businesses included (FYI: my lovely state of CA defines any business under 100 employees+affiliates as a small business along with some other critical qualifiers that are interesting but essentially...